

Back in 'Nam (post in comments)

1 comment:

  1. Why did America fight in the Vietnam war?

    At first I used to think that the war could have gone on fine without involvement from the U.S. In fact, it wasn't even considered a war by our country. But we were in it anyways, and it made a great difference. The truth is, we didn't really care about Vietnam's fate. We only cared about ours, and our country's. Americans didn't want communism to spread to their country, since we believed in the "domino effect": the idea that if one country loses the war and falls to communism, so will many others. So, we got involved, and tried (keyword here is tried) to win the war. Didn't work out as we planned, though.

    What was the opposition about?

    As stated before, it was about communism. In short, communism is a rule in which the government controls all social and economical aspects of the country. There would be fixed income, fixed careers, fixed mobility, fixed freedom, etc. for all the inhabitants. This sounds ideal, because it's almost as though everybody is equal and there are no status classes. Well, yes and no. Yes, that's the general idea, but the way in which most rulers try to run communism never turns out in favor of the people. They get overcome by power and greed, and end up being far superior to the citizens, who are still just as poor as they would have been under any other ruling.


    How the U.S. got involved in the Vietnam War:

    The Vietnam War:
