

Who is John Proctor?

Is he a hero, or a stooge?

Well, let's consider all the things he did, then we can categorize him. I'll list what makes him a hero, and what makes him a stooge. By definition, a hero is a savior or someone who is often looked up to. A stooge is someone who often lies and cheats, or stands in the sidelines never getting involved in the main event. John Proctor can fit both of these quite well, actually.

Let's look at him in the point-of-view of a Salem citizen. He's a respected man with a good reputation. Of course, he is a faithful Christian and very loyal to his town. John is very intelligent and thinks things through with logic, preferring to not take the "witchcraft" route. He is sensible in a way that doesn't draw unwanted attention. To an average person, Proctor is nothing more than a good man who stand up for his beliefs, such as hating hypocrisy and sin. These traits can certainly be one of a hero, but that doesn't mean he IS one. Just that he COULD be.

Now, let's look at him as an unbiased reader. We know that John is guilty of committing adultery. This makes him not only a sinner, but a hypocrite. He prefers to stay away from all the witchcraft trouble, in hopes that he will not be brought into another mess. By all means, he could be considered a stooge more often than a hero. He could just admit what he did, or step in to help the town's troubles. Proctor's character varies in definition depending on what you choose to see him as. In my opinion, he is a stooge. Anyone could possess those 'heroic' traits, really. However, the real answer is all up to the reader.

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