

Just a letter

Dear Mr. Bukowski,

        First of all I would like to say how much I appreciate your poem. You seem like a thoughtful and open-minded person. Many people would shun your piece of literature, thinking "Oh, he's just a crazy man." Those are the people too ignorant to notice the truth in 'Dinosauria, We'. What I really loved is the fact that you do not go into specifics with the "this". You leave it open so many people can fill it in for themselves. To me, the idea of "this" is society, and possibly the government. You state a lot of predictions that actually do end up happening, and it amazes me. That implies that even back then, we've had the same problems and they've only grown. We currently aren't doing anything to fix them.

       Some questions for you, as well. What are your views on current society? What is YOUR explanation for the "this"? Do you think that we will ever change? I know the answers to these questions are made to vary from reader to reader, but your opinion matters just as much.

        I hope to read more of your work, because the way you capture thoughts into words is very impressive. Thank you for your time!


         Eddie Yanez

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